Proof Sheet #5
Here I was shooting Kodak Tri-X with EI400 developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 12:30sec at 21C with agitation for the first minute and then for 10 seconds every minute afterwards. I used water as a stop bath, Kodak Rapid fixer for 5 minutes and finally Hypo Clear for 2 minutes before the final water wash. This was developed in the same tank as roll 4.
Over Pass
I love getting underneath these road bridges and taking shots looking up, there is just something to be said for the gentle curves. This is the type of composition that I am drawn to once again for the overall simple geometric shapes of the three triangles. Okay so one is more a rhombus but you know what I mean.
I have done some digital post production here. I pulled back some of the cloud detail with the recovery slider and dodged under the brides to get some shadow detail.
If you spend enough time in the city just watching people you will see that there is a natural rhythm just like you heart has a beat. In the city this is caused by most people following social conventions to wait and traffic lights or a bus just arriving and dropping off its passengers. So as I was waiting for someone to walk past this back drop I either had no one or a bunch of people.
I have cropped this down to give it a more panoramic fell and to exaggerate the left and right hand space.
Number 74
This is a lovely old door hidden in a side street down in Pyrmont, isn't all the texture just great. Generally side lighting is the best to bring out this texture however here the right hand side ended up in the shadows which I don't partially like.
Triangular Anzac Bridge
Once again some simple geometrically patterns have caught my eye. I spent some time trying to get a symmetrical shot but the wires that are used to support the bridge did not want to corporate with me, maybe I should have tried standing in the middle of the road.
Surveillance on Nobody
This shot was taken just around the corner from where I took the shots of the Palisade in the previous roll. What drew me to this location was the security camera and its shadow on the brick wall with the cool street lighting, but I had just heard about a photo exhibition in england that was photographs of surveillance devices.
So with that in mind I decided to stop and take a shot, but to make it a little different I placed this chair directly where the security camera was pointing. No I don't carry around prop chairs, this one was conveniently placed about 5 meters from where I took this shot.