A night with Peter Collier and Penelope Beveridge
Friday, July 13, 2012 at 8:52PM
Stephen Godfrey in ACMP, Technical, fashion, food, lighting, studio

Tuesday found me at the Front studio in Redfern for a ACMP Trampoline event. These events are put on for photography students and emerging photographers (less then 3 years experience). The theme tonight was lighting, looking back on the night now there was very little on technical lighting set ups.

Below are the notes I took on the night, which I have typed out rather than posting my scaned notes below.

Ideas from Seeing the Light with Peter Collier

Peter Collier has been a self employed Fashion and Portrate phootrapher since 1990 in which time he has rached up a very impresive client list which inculdes; Tag Heuer, l'oreal, FHM magazine, and Sony BMG Music to name a few. He has been a nominated for AIPP photographer of the year 3 times. You can find his work on his web site http://www.petercollie.com/.


Peter discussing light at the end the night.

Pre Shoot check list

  1. Subject
  2. Location
  3. Background
  4. Mood
  5. Realistic
  6. Visualise the night before. 


Lighting Food with Penelope Beveridge

Penelope has over 17 years experience in the comercial and adversing worlds She has had many high profile clientele, from companies such as Qantas and Coca Cola and individuals ranging from Prime Ministers to chefs. Her main forte is in food photogrpahy but she has also make many highly imaginative Fine art peices. To view her work please go to her web site http://www.penelopephotography.com/ 


Penolope doing a live food shoot with her assistant.


Lighting should be at 10 or 2 using a reflector to fill when necessary. She also used the feathered light from the softbox

Article originally appeared on Stephen Godfrey | Sydney based Photographer (http://sjgodfrey.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.